Business Blogging 101: Planning, Scheduling & Writing
Business blogging is not easy as owners or those who write for businesses are expected to be great writers on top of being an expert in their field. The combination is not easy to come by, and there is typically so much going on in a business at any one time, taking time away to write a blog can seem inconceivable. It can’t be denied that engaging an audience can be difficult at times, but there are ways around this time-sucker. You should also not discount blogging as a way to benefit your business all for the positive. Here are some tips to get around the time issue and also to become a more prepared business blogger.
Planning is key to building a great following and some great posts. Take 10 minutes (literally) and think of a few things you could talk to your customers about. Are you an attorney? Talk about issues previous clients have faced (the issues, not the clients) and give a solution to the problem. Perhaps some of your readers are facing the same issues and would give you a call to talk about how you get the same great results for them.
Get yourself on a schedule so you don’t forget to keep blogging. Some people will start out gung-ho, go-getter, “yeah we’re gonna blog!” … and then stop. Put it on your calendar and make time for it. This blog? It’s been 5 minutes since I got the idea, and it won’t put a dent in my day.
Stay Focused
Don’t let people pull you away from what you’re doing or it really will take you all day to write a blog. Tell them you need some privacy for 15 minutes (or 30 or however long you need) and to not disturb you. Blogging is an important part of marketing your business and they should respect that.
Use WordPress or Blogger
Stumped on WHERE to blog? Use a free account like or to build your blogging repertoire. If you’ve got the type of website that allows for adding a blog into the mix, do that instead. Having an on-site blog is much more professional than using one outside the realm of your current website. If you need assistance adding a blog to your website, please give us a ring!
If you don’t feel comfortable putting your ideas and words on paper, hire a ghost writer to write blogs for you. They’ll be able to research your industry, take ideas straight from you, and build a following for you without you having to schedule your day around it. It can cost a few hundred dollars a month, but when you think about it – if the returns outweigh the cost, it’s more than worth it.
Does your business now see why blogging is so important? We sure hope so. Do you want to begin blogging but don’t know how or don’t have the time? Then email or call Integraphix, a southwest Florida creative marketing agency with over 30 years experience.